美国CDT Audio 产品目录全球同步上市

来源:互联网      编辑:小李 2020-07-16 01:46    浏览量:3653

2018年美国CDT Audio全新产品目录全球同步上市





Have you noticed a constant drip of product announcements from CDT Audio? 

不知您是否有注意到CDT Audio产品公告的不断更新?


It's been a long time coming. An all new format and updated full line brochure, coming in at a massive 56 pages, will be available in print and PDF shortly.



The CDT AUDIO Background

关于CDT Audio的背景


Created by the best musical minds of Europe and the USA.



Since 1990, CDT Audio has been a unique blend of European and American design sensibilities. In fact, our corporate background is working behind the scenes as a high end OEM design and engineering firm for other speaker companies.

始于1990年,CDT Audio一直是欧洲和美国设计灵感的独特融合。事实上,我们公司的背景,是作为一个高端的OEM设计和工程公司,在负责其他扬声器公司的幕后工作。


Its really only in the last few years that we've stopped designing for others to concentrate exclusively on ourselves. This was a good decision because our growth has been very strong recently. However no matter how fast, or how much we grow, we will never lose sight of our original goal.



To bring together the best musical minds of Europe and America to produce the worlds finest audiophile automotive speakers...speakers built by fanatics, for fanatics, unhampered by big corporate inertia that typically stifles change and innovation.







产品 | 美国CDT产品目录

关键词: IASCA汽车音响竞赛联盟,IASCA